1 "Ioan Salvici" The State Theatre Attraction Arad select open today - "Ioan Salvici" the State Theatre Arad B-Dul Revolutiei Nr. 103 Arad countyCrisana select
2 Arad Fortress Attraction Arad select open today - Arad Fortress Arad Pe Malul Răului Mureş Arad countyCrisana select
3 Arad Philharmonic Orchestra Attraction Arad select open today - Arad Philharmonic Orchestra Arad Piata George Enescu Nr. 1 Arad countyCrisana select
4 Neptune Bath Attraction Arad select open today - Neptune Bath Arad Amplasat În Bucla Mureşului Arad countyCrisana select
5 Puppet Theatre Attraction Arad select open today - Puppet Theatre Arad Str. Episcopiei Nr. 15 Arad countyCrisana select
6 Reconciliation Park Attraction Arad select open today - Reconciliation park Arad P-Ţa Pompierilor Arad countyCrisana select
7 The A. D. Xenopol County Library Attraction Arad select open today - The A. D. Xenopol County Library Arad Str. Gheorghe Popa, Nr. 2-4 Arad countyCrisana select
8 The Administrative Palace Attraction Arad select open today - The Administrative Palace Arad B-Dul Revoluţiei, Nr. 75 Arad countyCrisana select
9 The Archaeology And History Museum Attraction Arad select open today - The Archaeology and History Museum Arad Piaţa George Enescu, Nr. 1 Arad countyCrisana select
10 The Ardeal Castle Attraction Arad select open today - The Ardeal castle Arad - Arad countyCrisana select
11 The Art Museum Attraction Arad select open today - The Art Museum Arad Str. Gh. Popa, Nr. 2-4, Etaj Ii Arad countyCrisana select
12 The Catholic Church And The Parish From Aradul ... Attraction Arad select open today - The Catholic Church and the Parish from Aradul Nou Arad Calea Timisorii Nr. 33 Arad countyCrisana select
13 The Cenad Palace Attraction Arad select open today - The Cenad Palace Arad B-Dul Revoluţiei. Nr. 73 Arad countyCrisana select
14 The Cliff Of The River Mures Attraction Arad select open today - The Cliff of the River Mures Arad - Arad countyCrisana select
15 The Cultural Palace Attraction Arad select open today - The Cultural Palace Arad Piata Geroge Enescu Nr. 1 Arad countyCrisana select
16 The Evangelical Church Attraction Arad select open today - The Evangelical Church Arad Bd. Revolutiei Nr. 61 Arad countyCrisana select
17 The Justice Palace Attraction Arad select open today - The Justice Palace Arad B-Dul Vasile Milea, Nr. 2-4 Arad countyCrisana select
18 The Museum Arad-The Natural Sciences Section Attraction Arad select open today - The Museum Arad-The Natural Sciences Section Arad Piata George Enescu Nr. 1 Arad countyCrisana select
19 The Old Theatre Attraction Arad select open today - The Old Theatre Arad Str. Gh. Lazar Nr. 1-3 Arad countyCrisana select
20 The Orthodox Cathedral Attraction Arad select open today 07:00 - 20:00 The Orthodox Cathedral Arad Piaţa Catedralei, Nr. 1 Arad countyCrisana select