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The Art Museum Arad

Art Museum Arad
The Art Museum Arad


Str. Gh. Popa, Nr. 2-4, Etaj Ii

46.1773046, 21.3157939

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Presentation - The Art Museum Arad

The Art Museum

The permanent exhibition reorganised in 1998 is representative for the profile of the arts collection and it emphasizes its most significant pieces through a presentation that combines the diachronic and the synchronous. The existence of an important decorative art collection allowed not only the reconstruction of a number of historical interiors: Rococo, Empire, Biedermeier, but also a comparative presentation of pieces of furniture that are characteristic for European styles: Renaissance, Baroque, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Régence, Empire, Biedermeier, grouped according to functional criteria (storage, display, sitting).
The porcelain and pottery collection is represented by a micro- exhibition which presents the creation of European centres from the 18th and 19th centuries: Meissen, Vienna, Elbogen, Schlagenwald, Sévres, Naples, Urbino, Wegwood, Herend, Cluj. The pendant of this collection is that of oriental carpets (Anatolia, Caucasus, Persia, India) or those manufactured in Transylvanian workshops, in the same period of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Opening hours: Daily: from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm / closed on Monday.

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