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The Neolog Synagogue Arad

Synagogue Arad
The Neolog Synagogue Arad


Str. Tribunul Dobra Nr. 7

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Presentation - The Neolog Synagogue Arad

The neolog synagogue

The emergence of the Jewish community in the city of Arad happened in the 18th century. At Lipova there was a community already in the 17th century. Parallel to these two, other communities were established in Simand, Curtici, Nădlac. The first Jew who legally settled in Arad was: Isac Elias, a merchant who later became the founder of the Jewish community that was established in 1742. 
In documents it is mentioned that a woman called Nahuma donated for the construction of a synagogue. This will be finished in 1742 and will be the first wooden synagogue.

In the year 1828 the community numbers 812 parishioners. This way, the issue of the construction of a new synagogue comes up. The initiative belongs to the judge Mose Hirshl and to the rabine A. Corin. 
On the 13th of June 1828 the cornerstone was laid after many arguments with the city's leadership. The final solution belongs to Mose Hirschl who requests a meeting with the king Franz from Vienna. The synagogue was finished in 1834.

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