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Restaurant Kassay Frumoasa

Restaurant Frumoasa
Restaurant Kassay Frumoasa


Str. Ghimeşului, Nr. 74

46.451973, 25.848716

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Open now
10:00 - 23:00

Presentation - Restaurant Kassay Frumoasa

Gastronomy type: Restaurant Frumoasa

Cuisine: Romanian, International, European, Traditional, Hungarian, Mexican, Vegetarian, Transylvanian, Sekler Cuisine, Dietary

Category: 3 STARS

City: gastronomy Frumoasa

County: gastronomy Harghita county

Zone: gastronomy Transylvania, gastronomy Seclerland, gastronomy Csikszek

Capacity: 160

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Visit our restaurant irrespectively of time of the day and we guarantee you will feel like at home! Have lunch at us, dinner with your family or meet your friends for a pizza with beer, the atmosphere of the restaurant will enchant you for sure. We are waiting everybody for a quality time spending: our smoking and nonsmoking areas, outdoor terrace are open for visitors.

Enjoy the excellent range of traditional, home cooked meals or choose something  from our fancy foods. The expertise of our chiefs, the quality, homemade ingredients and the friendly atmosphere ensure that our food meets the taste of all our visitors.

For pizza lovers we offer a wide range of hand-tossed, delicious and crispy pizza made in wood fired oven.

After delicious and fancy meals we always serve drinks. We offer a wide range of drinks to choose from: beginning with some local strong spirit, ending with a selection of quality wines.

With a total amount of 160 seats - both smoking and nonsmoking areas -, two bars, a great kitchen we offer the ideal spot for organizing weddings, celebrations or smaller family events.
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