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Plaiesii de jos

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General informations - Plaiesii de jos

The Kászon Basin, situated between Mount Répát and the southern extremity of the Csík Mountains, is roughly 10 km long and 5 km wide. The villages that can be found there used to belong to Kászon Seat, the smallest territorial-administrative unit within the seat-system of the Szeklerland. Today the five villages of the former Kászon Seat (Kászonaltíz, Kászonfeltíz, Kászonimpér, Kászonújfalu, Kászonjakabfalva) are part of Kászon Commune. According to the 2002 census, the commune has 2979 inhabitants. Kászon is famous for its specific settlement structure, folk art and vernacular architecture. Trends in the development of the Szekler vernacular architecture such as different changes in the structure and layout of houses can easily be followed in these villages. Apart from dwelling houses, barns and farm-buildings are also of particular interest. A remarkable piece of vernacular architecture is Béla Fogarasi's house in Kászonaltíz, which was built more than 300 years ago. It is considered the oldest Szelker peasant-house situated in its original environment. The house is used in its original form even today, which means that it does not have a chimney for venting smoke out of the attic. These villages are also famous for their traditional loomwork and authentic sewing patterns. Remarkable pieces of traditional handicrafts are on display in the Szekler Ethnographic Museum inaugurated in Kászonaltíz in 2011. The Late Baroque Balássy Mansion in Kászonimpér hosts a children's home run by the Saint Francis Foundation of Déva.

The distance between Kászon and the Saint Anne Lake through Sepsibükszád is 54 km and through Kézdivásárhely is 61 km.


The Kászon Basin, situated between Mount Répát and the southern extremity of the Csík Mountains, is roughly 10 km long and 5 km wide. The villages that can be found there used to belong to Kászon Seat, the smallest territorial-administrative unit within the seat-system of the Szeklerland. Today the five villages of the former Kászon Seat (Kászonaltíz, Kászonfeltíz, Kászonimpér, Kászonújfalu, Kászonjakabfalva) are part of Kászon Commune. According to the 2002 census, the commune has 2979 inhabitants. Kászon is famous for its specific settlement structure, folk art and vernacular architecture. Trends in the development of the Szekler vernacular architecture such as different changes in the structure and layout of houses can easily be followed in these villages. Apart from dwelling houses, barns and farm-buildings are also of particular interest. A remarkable piece of vernacular architecture is Béla Fogarasi's house in Kászonaltíz, which was built more than 300 years ago. It is considered the oldest Szelker peasant-house situated in its original environment. The house is used in its original form even today, which means that it does not have a chimney for venting smoke out of the attic. These villages are also famous for their traditional loomwork and authentic sewing patterns. Remarkable pieces of traditional handicrafts are on display in the Szekler Ethnographic Museum inaugurated in Kászonaltíz in 2011. The Late Baroque Balássy Mansion in Kászonimpér hosts a children's home run by the Saint Francis Foundation of Déva.
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