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Babele Busteni

Curiosity Busteni
Babele Busteni


Muntele Caraiman

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Presentation - Babele Busteni



Next to the Sfinx there is a group of stones known as "Babele". As there has been a connection between it and the Sfinx, they have been named as the "Cyclopean Altars of Caraiman", being devoted to the Earth and the Sky, the Sun and the Moon, and to Mars, god of war and agriculture.

There have been legends and theories about their creation. Some researchers say that the modelling agents had been the water and the wind, helped by frosts and defrosts. However, human intervention leading to the finishing of the more or less regular forms cannot be negated.

So far, this phenomenon could not be fully explained by any scientific proof, therefore the legends of these rocks continue to enhance, blending reality and the supernatural.

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Group of friends Dezember 14 2012, 7:17 Buzau, Romania
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