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Ozunca Bai

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General informations - Ozunca Bai

The settlement lies at the northern foot of the Nagy-Murgó Mountain. According to a legend preserved by Szotyori Lajos, on the top of the Murgó Mountain there used to live a tyrannical lord in a fortress named The Fortress of Morgó. In his young age he used to be a kind and generous man, but after the early death of his young wife he turned into a cruel and bitter man. Morgó had two children: the turbulent Bacon, who used to bully the people of the surroundings, and Uzonka, famous for her goodness and beauty.

Opposite the fortress of Morgó there used to stand another fortress named Pilisvár, whose kind and generous young master was called Piliske. He used to live alone but was continuously yearning for a loyal partner. His friends would speak to him about how beautiful and kind Uzonka, Morgó `s daughter was, but Piliske could not believe that such a cruel man could have a noble offspring.

Once, on his way home, Bacon got to Pilisvár just at the time when Piliske`s famous horses were being fed. Bacon thought to have the whole stud and tried to drive them away, but their master just got there in time. When noticing what was going on, Piliske took out his mace and killed Bacon.

Morgó swore revenge and led his soldiers to attack Pilisvár. Piliske also called for his men, but without the help of Mitács, the magician of the Csíki Mountains, they would have failed in defending the fortress. During the sieges, Mitács always had the fortress shrouded in thick fog, which made the besiegers withdraw.

Ever since Bacon`s death there had been so many stories told about Piliske`s bravery, that Uzonka became very much interested in him. With the help of her old servant, Súgó, the two young people finally met up and they fell in love with each other instantly. On an autumn day they were walking in Uzonka`s garden and were planning their wedding, when suddenly Morgó showed up out of nowhere. On seeing Piliske, Morgó took his sword out to take his revenge, but Uzonka jumped in front of her lover, thus Morgó killed his own daughter. When realizing what he had done, Morgó lost his mind and demolished his own fortress. Piliske, in deep mourning, embraced the body of his beloved, and took it to Pilisvár. Nobody has seen him ever since. In the place where Uzonka was hurt and her blood watered the ground, a spring rushed up to the surface, and was named after the beautiful girl: Uzonka.

As its name signals, the settlement is not a village but rather a spa resort. At the end of the 1920s there was a bath with 5 tubs, to which several small wooden houses used to belong. Inhabitants from Sepsiszentgyörgy, Barót, and Brassó have built their own weekend houses around the small wooden ones of the settlement. The mineral water containing iron and carbon dioxide is recommended for the treatment of several stomach disorders and other diseases of internal organs, on the other hand, hot baths are recommended for arthritis and rheumatic complaints.

Unfortunately, nowadays the bath and the swimming pool do not function. In the valley called Szerelem Völgye, a Dutch entrepreneur has built a private swimming pool.

In the 1930s several Hungarian-speaking natives from Moldavia settled down, who were engaged in animal-breeding. They and their descendants are considered to be the ancestors of the present inhabitants of the settlement.

In the neighbourhood of the modest houses there are several new villas, whose owners stay in only at weekend or during their summer holidays.

Another attraction of the settlement is the moor hiding plant rarities dating back to the glacial era.

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