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General informations - Ozun


The village, according to unwritten tradition, (which was later recorded by folklorist Balázs Orbán) was named after the leader Úz. The oldest recorded history of the village is in the Pope records of 1332. Later it is mentioned again in a record in 1567 where it is called Wzon with 68 gates.

Seven nearby villages belong to the municipality of Uzon. These are: Szentivánlaborfalva, Lisznyó, Lisznyópatak, Sepsimagyarós, Bikfalva and Uzonfüzes. It was a known settlement in the 14th century; in 1567 it was recorded with 68 gates.


Szentivánlaborfalva is a twin village on the right bank of the Fekete Ügy River, on the eastern edge of the Szépmező plain, across the Rétyi Nyír, along road E-574. Szentivánlaborfalva, as we know it today, evolved from the merging of the two villages Szentiván and Laborfalva in 1909. The village is mentioned for the first time in 1332, and it was named after the church’s patron saint, Szent János or Szent Iván (Saint John or Saint Ivan).

Its name became known after Mór Jókai’s first wife Róza Laborfalvi (born Judit Beke 1817-1886) who was an exceptional drama actress.


Sepsimagyarós is an ancient Szekler Village. Supposingly it got its name from the peanut bushes around it. It is mentioned in1512 as Monyjoros, Mogyorós in 1567 and Magyarós in 1678. Its official name is Sepsimagyarós since1834.

It is situated at the Southern border of Háromszék hollow, in the foregrounds of the northern spurs of Bodza Mountains, under Cseretető Mountain (574m). Near the village is the Kuruc Pile which is the barrier ground of Kuruc leaders, according to oral traditions.


Lisznyó The village’s name Lisznyó is of Slavic origin meaning “forest”. It was a village paying taxes at the beginning of the 14th century. Its name is mentioned in the Pope’s Records in 1332.

It is situated in the valley of the Bodza Mountains, in the eastern part of the Háromszek hollow.



The village developed along the upper reaches of Lisznyó creek. The population is 87 (2002 census). In its boundary, in the former Temesváry garden, there is a sweet -sulphurous mineral water source. Earlier the warmed mineral water was used for treating rheumatic patients in baths.

Törökvár (Turkish Castle) can be found on the northern side of Várbérc, on the top of Borzos or Küszürüs mountains (919 m). It is supposed that there is a tunnel connecting it with the Csigavár (Snail’s Castle) near Bikfalva. Barabás Castle stood on the top of Borzos Mountain. Folklore tradition has legends and beliefs for both castles.



The village lies at the foot of the Bodzaforduló Mountains in a picturesque setting, in the foregrounds of the beech forests. We can find its name in the Pope’s Register of 1332.



It is mainly inhabited by people of Romanian nationality on the bank of the Feketeügy River. It was Count Mikes who settled cottars in the region, first temporarily for making hay, and later permanently for agricultural work. This is how the village evolved.

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