1 The Canal And Graft Bastion Bastion Brasov select open today 0:00 - 24:00 The Canal and Graft Bastion Brasov Aleea După Ziduri Brasov countyTransylvaniaBârsa Land select
2 Also Kobanya Bastion Varsag select open today 0:00 - 24:00 Also kobanya Varsag Surroundings Of Vărşag Harghita countyTransylvaniaSeclerlandUdvarhelyszekSaltyland - Hegyalja select
3 Bust Of Bishop Márton Áron Bastion Odorheiu Secuiesc select open today - Bust of bishop Márton Áron Odorheiu Secuiesc Márton Áron Square Harghita countyTransylvaniaSeclerlandUdvarhelyszek select
4 Damokos Dénes Mansion Bastion Cernat select open today 0:00 - 0:00, 0:00 - 0:00, 0:00 - 0:00, 0:00 - 0:00, 0:00 - 0:00, 0:00 - 0:00, 0:00 - 0:00 Damokos Dénes mansion Cernat - Covasna countyTransylvaniaSeclerlandHaromszek select
5 Fejér Mansion Bastion Ghelinta select open today - Fejér mansion Ghelinta - Covasna countyTransylvaniaSeclerlandHaromszek select
6 Gara din Predeal Bastion Predeal select open today 0:00 - 24:00 Gara din Predeal Predeal Centru Brasov countyTransylvaniaBârsa Land select
7 Reformed Church Bastion Brates select open today - Reformed church Brates - Covasna countyTransylvaniaSeclerlandHaromszek select
8 Tailors" Bastion From Cluj-Napoca Bastion Cluj-Napoca select open today - Tailors’ Bastion From Cluj-Napoca Cluj-Napoca Baba Novac Str. Eet Cluj countyTransylvaniaCluj RegionCluj-Napoca select
9 The Maria Theresa Bastion Bastion Timisoara select open today - The Maria Theresa Bastion Timisoara Piata Dr. I. C. Bratianu Timis countyBanat select
10 The Tartod Castle Bastion Varsag select open today 0:00 - 24:00 The tartod castle Varsag Surroundings Of Vărşag Harghita countyTransylvaniaSeclerlandUdvarhelyszekSaltyland - Hegyalja select
11 The Watermill Of Balint Vencel Bastion Varsag select open today 0:00 - 0:00 The watermill of Balint Vencel Varsag Surroundings Of Vărşag Extravilan Harghita countyTransylvaniaSeclerlandUdvarhelyszekSaltyland - Hegyalja select
12 The Watermill Of Mrs. Tifan Sandorne Bastion Varsag select open today 0:00 - 0:00 The watermill of Mrs. Tifan Sandorne Varsag Surroundings Of Vărşag Harghita countyTransylvaniaSeclerlandUdvarhelyszekSaltyland - Hegyalja select
13 The Watermill Of Pal Imre Bastion Varsag select open today 0:00 - 0:00 The watermill of Pal Imre Varsag Main Str Harghita countyTransylvaniaSeclerlandUdvarhelyszekSaltyland - Hegyalja select