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Mihail Kogalniceanu Museum Iasi

Archaeology and history museum Iasi
Mihail Kogalniceanu Museum Iasi


Mihail Kogalniceanu Str. Eet, No. 11

47.174074, 27.580416

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Why is so special Mihail Kogalniceanu Museum Iasi:
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Presentation - Mihail Kogalniceanu Museum Iasi

The memorial museum presents, in a few rooms, the familial ambient where lived the remarcable historian, journalist, writer, lawyer, politician a complex personality of the 19th century, a "chosen nature", of those which "hardly fit two in one century" (conf. A.D. Xenopol).

The museum, with all the exhibits (carpets, furniture made of carved wood, in Renaissance, Biedermeier, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Napoleon III styles, the piano Thomashek, the mirrors, chandeliers, candlesticks, Sevres porcelains, vessels, silver cutlery, crystal glasses, different decorative objects, paintings - flowers, landscapes, portraits; books, photographs, a folk costume and jewels, which belonged to Ecaterina Kogalniceanu, his wife) demonstrates the cultural, social and economical level of a noble family, where used to be invited other personalities, sharing the same patriotic ideals : writers C. Negri, Vasile Alecsandri, Al. Russo, princes Carol, Mihail Sturdza, Gr. Al. Ghica.
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