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General informations - Moneasa


Moneasa town, from Arad county, is located at the foot of Codru-Moma Mountains, at 128m altitude and 102 km away from Arad city. Crossed by the upper stream of the Moneasa river, hidden deep in the forest, along the main valley, surrounded by mountain cliffs covered by a rich and diverse forest vegetation, Moneasa finds itself in a rare beauty scenery.

The first recognition of the Moneasa commune dates back in the 24th of April 1597, when it was a part of the Dezna domains. Dezna had already been a fortress back in 1318, having been the property of the Losonczy family and of the Turks. It was then that the Turks built a couple of baths in Moneasa, due to the thermal springs in the area.

In 1565, the Sultan Suleiman donates the Dezna fortress and domains to the Prince Ioan Sigismund who, in turn, donates them to Bebek Gheorghe. In 1593 the war against the Turks starts. Prince Sigismund Bathory donates to Kornis Gaspar de Goncz-Rusca the Dezna fortress and domains, together with the thermal springs and iron deposits from Moneasa. In 1633, the fortress and domain are successively taken by Bethlen Gavril, Keresztesy Paul and, on the 1st of November 1633, prince Rakoczy Gheorghe the 1st donates the fortress and Kornis Sigismund‘s domain.

Dezna fortress and domain are conquered on the 15th of October 1658 by the Vizir of Buda’s Turks, who destroy the fortress.

In the first years of the 18th century, duke Mutina finds interest in the iron deposits on his domain and he builds primitive melting houses and mill machines for pounding the ore. In 1804, Iosif, baron Nevery Alexa de Gyula Varsand’s brother, inherits Moneasa, and continues the exploitation of iron ore and limestone.

In 1847, baths for leisure and treatment are built near the thermal springs from Moneasa. In 1865, Doctor Nendtvich Carol analyzes the thermal springs from Moneasa for the first time.

On the 14th of August 1893, the narrow railway connecting Moneasa and Sebis is put to use, leading to a development of the mining industry (iron, marble, limestone) and promoting the resort’s development.

On the 13th of May 1898, Moneasa receives the recognition as a balneary resort from the Royal Hungarian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Cure factors and therapeutic indications

Natural therapeutic factors

Oligo, mesothermal, bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium, sodium mineral waters. These have a temperature of 24-32 Celsius degrees and a total mineralization of 0.190.27 g/l;

Saving bio climate, with sedative, calming effects for the nervous system.

Therapeutic indications:

Conditions of the locomotory system (inflammatory degenerative rheumatisms, abarticular rheumatisms, post-traumatic stress); peripheral and central neurological disorders; chronic gynecological conditions; asthenic neurosis; associated disorders (metabolic and nutrition disorders)

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