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Arad International Airport Arad

Airport Arad
Arad International Airport Arad


Calea Aeroportului Nr. 4

46.1703, 21.27861

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0:00 - 24:00

Presentation - Arad International Airport Arad

About the Airport


The Arad International Airport has the advantage of high accessibility, being located at 4km West from Arad`s downtown, its geographic position reported to the center of the runway is 21º 15' 14" East, 43º 10' 35" North, at 106 meters above sea level. It’s located at 250km from Budapest and 300km from Belgrad. It’s located near the border with Hungary, at 30km from the closest point for crossing the border-Turnu and 20km away from the closest railway point for crossing the border-Curtici.


On the land of that Gai suburb there was an infrastructure with a runway, hangar and a terminal, from the military campaign from 1917. Here, on 14 July 1912, a big meeting took place when Aurel Vlaicu, a pioneer in Romanian aviation, returned from Aspen Vienna and he was seen by his co nationals as a hero of all the Romanians.
As a result of some negotiations that took place in order to build a new airport, on 30 May 1935 the civil municipal aviation give the land from the Ceala suburb where the constructions will start for building the infrastructure. The construction work ended in 1936 and the official inauguration of the new airport took place on 14 November 1937. From that moment all the air traffic was conducted on this location and the landings and taking off happened on a grass runway. In 1953 a concrete runway, 2000 meters long, was built, as the increased traffic demanded it. The A and D taxiway were build in the same time
as the runway. The lightning system was re built in 1954 and was endowed with Elba lamps.

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